The central and southern part of Slovenia is dominated by Dinaric forests, named after the Dinaric mountains, a chain running from central Slovenia down through most of the Balkans as far as Albania, in a northwest-southeast direction. The Dinarides are not very high (around 800-1500 m) and most of the area is covered by forests. The predominant forest type is an association of Beech Fagus sylvatica, Silver Fir Abies alba and Norway Spruce Picea abies, known as Abieti-Fagetum Dinaricum. Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus is also a very common tree species. The most notable examples of Dinaric forests in Slovenia are found in the Snežnik and Javorniki mountain ranges, the forests in the Kočevje region and the Trnovo forest (Trnovski gozd). Remnants of primeval (virgin) forest are still to be found in Slovenia and some of the best examples are in the Dinaric forests (e.g. Kočevje and Snežnik forests).Alpine forests in Slovenia are quite similar to Dinaric forests, except they exibit a greater abundance of Norway Spruce Picea abies and Mountain Pine Pinus mugo. The upper treeline in the Alps is formed by Larches Larix decidua, a specie not found in the Dinarides



Famous & Charismatic Species



Brown Bear 

Ursus arctos / Rjavi medved



Canis lupus / Sivi volk


Eurasian Lynx

Lynx lynx / Ris


Golden Jackal 

Canis aureus / Šakal


European Badger 

Meles meles / Jazbec


Red Deer 

Cervus elaphus / Navadni jelen


Roe Deer 

Capreolus capreolus / Srna


Wild Boar 

Sus scrofa / Divja svinja



Vulpes vulpes / Lisica


Beech Marten 

Martes foina / Kuna



Felis silvestris / Divja mačka


White-backed Woodpecker 

Dendrocopos leucotos / Belohrbti detel


Red-breasted Flycatcher 

Ficedula parva / Mali muhar


Three-toed Woodpecker 

Picoides tridactylus / Triprsti detel


Ural Owl 

Strix uralensis / Kozača


Edible Dormouse 

Glis glis / Navadni polh


Tengmalm’s Owl 

Aegolius funereus / Koconogi čuk


Pygmy Owl 

Glaucidium passerinum / Mali skovik


Hazel Grouse 

Bonasa bonasia / Gozdni jereb



Tetrao urogallus / Divji petelin


Crested Tit 

Lophophanes cristatus / Čopasta sinica


Coal Tit 

Periparus ater / Menišček


Willow Tit 

Poecile montanus / Gorska sinica



Certhia familiaris / Dolgoprsti plezalček



Regulus ignicapillus / Rdečeglavi kraljiček



Regulus regulus / Rumenoglavi kraljiček



Loxia curvirostra / Krivokljun



Pyrrhula pyrrhula / Kalin


Black Woodpecker 

Dryocopus martius / Črna žolna


Grey-headed Woodpecker 

Picus canus / Pivka



Nucifraga caryocatactes / Krekovt


Alpine Salamander 

Salamandra atra / Planinski močerad



Vipera berus / Navadni gad


Rosalia Longicorn 

Rosalia alpina / Alpski kozliček


Beech Longhorn Beetle 

Morimus funereus / Bukov kozliček




This forest type is found on relatively warm and dry sites, where beech Fagus sylvatica is replaced by other thermophilous tree species such as: Downy Oak Quercus pubescens, Hop-hornbeam Ostria carpinifolia, Manna Ash Fraxinus ornus, Sessile Oak Quercus petraea and Turkey Oak Quercus cerris. In certain sunny locations in western Slovenia (and more commonly in nearby northeast Italy) there are also evergreen Holm Oak Quercus ilex forests, typical of the Mediterranean. The largest areas of thermophilous forests are found in the sub-Mediterranean part, that is mainly in western Slovenia. Such areas include a good proportion of the Classical Karst area, Istria and the Vipava valley. These forests are not as old and well preserved as those in the Dinarides, but are rather the result of human land use through centuries. Many forests are coppiced and/or grow on abandoned farming areas (agricultural terraces, meadows and pastures). Despite the fact that thermophilous forests are of secondary formation, they are important habitats for some rare and protected animal and plant species. 



Famous & Charismatic Species



Golden Oriole 

Oriolus oriolus / Kobilar



Luscinia megarhynchos / Slavec


Short-toed Treecreeper 

Certhia brachydactyla / Kratkoprsti plezalček



Coccothraustes coccothraustes / Dlesk


Green Woodpecker 

Picus viridis / Zelena žolna


Eurasian Jay

Garrulus glandarius / Šoja


Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 

Dendrocopos minor / Mali detel


Tawny Owl 

Strix aluco / Lesna sova


Middle Spotted Woodpecker 

Dendrocopos medius / Srednji detel


Rock Bunting 

Emberiza cia / Skalni strnad


Long-eared Owl

Asio otus / Mala uharica


Short-eared Owl 

Asio flammeus / Močvirska uharica


Barn Owl 

Tyto alba / Pegasta sova


Eurasian Scops Owl

Otus scops / Veliki skovik


Eastern Hedgehog 

Erinaceus concolor / Beloprsi jež


Little Owl

Athene noctua / Čuk


Stag Beetle 

Lucanus cervus / Rogač


Great Capricorn Beetle 

Cerambyx cerdo / Hrastov kozliček


Sardinian Warbler 

Sylvia melanocephala / Črnoglavka


Subalpine Warbler 

Sylvia cantillans / Taščična penica


Eastern Olivaceous Warbler 

Iduna pallida / Rumena penica


Crested Tit 

Lophophanes cristatus / Čopasta sinica


Coal Tit 

Periparus ater / Menišček



Loxia curvirostra / Krivokljun


Red Squirrels 

Sciurus vulgaris / Veverica




Lowland riparian forests can be found in the flood area of all major rivers of Slovenia, but are generally more widespread in the east. They are periodically flooded by nearby rivers (for example Sava, Krka, Mura, Drava) and support an interesting animal and plant community. The predominant tree species in these forests are Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur, Common Hornbeam Carpinus betulus, Common Alder Alnus glutinosa, European Ash Fraxinus excelsior and Narrow-leaved Ash Fraxinus angustifolia. Some of the most notable examples of riparian forest in Slovenia include Krakovski gozd, Dobrava and the forests along the river Mura. 



Famous & Charismatic Species



Middle Spotted Woodpecker 

Dendrocopos medius / Srednji detel


Collared Flycatcher 

Ficedula albicollis / Belovrati muhar


Black Stork 

Ciconia nigra / Črna žolna


White-tailed Eagle 

Haliaeetus albicilla / Orel belorepec



Coccothraustes coccothraustes / Dlesk


Turtle Dove 

Streptopelia turtur / Divja grlica


Short-toed Treecreeper 

Certhia brachydactyla / Kratkoprsti plezalček



Lutra lutra / Vidra


European Beaver 

Castor fiber / Bober


Fire-bellied Toad 

Bombina bombina / Nižinski urh


Yellow-bellied Toad 

Bombina variegata / Hribski urh


Moor Frog 

Rana arvalis / Barjanska žaba - plavček


Fire Salamander 

Salamandra salamandra / Navadni močerad


European Pond Terrapins 

Emys orbicularis / Močvirska sklednica