If you want to explore the World, visit Slovenia ! In just 115 kilometers from the salt water of the Adriatic Sea to the Snow and Ice World of the Alps, from zero to almost three thousand meters. Slovenia offers almost all of Europe`s climate zones and habitats in a small area. The country is home to cave systems like Southeast Asia, forests like Canada, emerald waters like the Caribbean and lush canyons like South America`s rainforests. Slovenia is a European country with a geographical position in the far north of the Mediterranean and in the far south of central Europe. It borders on 4 countries, in the west with Italy, in the north with Austria, in the northeast with Hungary and in the east and the south with Croatia. It lies at the junction of the Alpine, Mediterranean, Karst, Panonian and Dinaric worlds. The area of 20.273 km2 is classified as a medium sized European country. Slovenia provides many new interesting photo opportunities, diverse landscape, a varied animal selection and many natural features. According to the international criteria of green destinations, Slovenia is the first country to become the green destination of the world. Adventurers, Photographers and Nature lovers, i invite you to join me on my journeys to some of most incredible Wildlife destinations, whether you`re an adrenaline seeker or simply in love with pure nature.

Habitats and Species

As mentioned earlier, it lies at the junction of the Alps, the Mediterranean, the Karst and the Panonian world. In one day, we can take a Photo of the sunrise on the top of Slovenia`s highest mountain Triglav and the sunset at the Adriatic Sea. Despite its small size, Slovenia is characterized by a large variety of animal species, which depends on the diversity of the environment and vegetation and the geological past. Only a small proportion of species are known to live on our territory, according to estimates from year 2000, around 19.000 animal species are to be found here, marine animals are poorly researched. Subterrranean animals are interesting because of the way of life and not so much variety, only a few species are known. Slovenia is one of the few Countries where Grey Wolf, Brown Bear and Eurasian Lynx still live, which have long since disappeared in most western European Countries. This testifies to her incredible Animal wealth. For example White-tailed Eagle, Osprey, Bee-eater, Kingfisher, Hoopoe and other birds you will meet in wetlands along Drava river, Wolf, Lynx, Red Deer and Bear in the Kocevje forest, Black Grouse and Capercaillie in the Carinthia forests, Alpine Ibex, Chamois and Rock Ptarmigan in the Julian Alps.

Reptiles and Amphibians lovers, like myself -  there are several snake species living in Slovenia for example Common Adder in the mountains, Nose-Horned Viper also typical of sunny rocky areas and on some mountains in the very west of Slovenia the rare European Aspis Viper can also be found. Other snakes include Dice Snake, Grass Snake, Smoth Snake, Aesculapian Snake, Four-lined Snake, European Cat Snake,  Green Whip Snake and Balkan Whip Snake are also living in Slovenia. We have also different amphibians, among the most notable amphibians i need to mention is the Olm, most common are Alpine Salamander, Alpine Newt, Fire Salamander, Smooth Newt, Italian Crested Newt, Danube Crested Newt, European Fire-bellied Toad, Yellow-bellied Toad, Common Spadefoot Toad, Common Toad, European Green Toad, European Tree Frog, Common Frog, Agile Frog, Italian Agile Frog, Moor Frog, Pool Frog, Edible Frog and Marsh Frog and we also have reptiles for example European Green Lizard, Blue-throated Keeled Lizard, Sand Lizard, Wall Lizard, Dalmatian Wall Lizard, Horvaths Rock Lizard, Italian Wall Lizard, Viviparous Lizard and Slow Worm and we also have European Pond Turtle in Slovenia.

We are a young and new company, which has started working in the field of phototourism. The Fotonatur team is comprised of young and experienced adventurers, which all have something in common: the love of nature and animals. OUR MISSION: To care about the nature and wildlife. To introduce Slovenia to photographers and show him all the secret corners of our beautiful country. We want to work together with NGO's, which are working towards the preservation of animal species and nature. With the help of phototourism we want to raise awareness and be a socially responsible company, which will help NGO's and work towards the preservation of nature and animal wildlife. OUR VISION: To work together with the best within this field and develop phototourism in Slovenia. In the next 5 years we want to become one of the biggest and best companies in this field for Slovenia and Croatia. Check out  our new brochure.

Matrix Themes

2024 Brochure

FOTONATUR - Slovenian photo tours

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Birding Tours

Chances to See 70- 100 %

Black-winged Stilt



Middle Spotted Woodpecker

Alpine Swift

European Bee-eater

Grey-headed Woodpecker

Golden Oriole

White-throated Dipper

Ring Ouzel


Black Woodpecker

Green Woodpecker

Red-backed Shrike

Alpine Chough

Rock Bunting

Alpine Accenator

Ferruginous Duck

Rock Ptarmigan


Pygmy Cormorant

Little Bittern

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Eurasian Hoopoe

Great Crested Grebe

Common Kingfisher

Chances to See 40- 70 %

Black-headed Bunting

Black Grouse

Ural Owl

Night Heron

Lesser Grey Shrike

Barred Warbler

Ortolan Bunting


Spotted Nutcracker

River Warbler

Collared Flycatcher

Crag Martin

Pygmy Owl

Black Stork

Tawny Owl

Boreal Owl

Long-eared Owl

White-tailed Eagle

Three-toed Woodpecker

Bearded Reedling

Great Grey Shrike

Spanish Sparrow

Tawny Pipit

Chances to See 0- 40 %

Red-necked Grebe


Griffon Vulturee

Golden Eagle

Little Crake

Eagle Owl

Barn Owl

Scops Owl

Short-eared Owl

Sardinian Warbler

Short-toed Eagle

Spotted Crake


Subalpine Warbler

Western Capercaillie

Hazel Grouse

Prices 2024 / 2025

Ethics In Wildlife Photography

There are few things better in life than getting outdoors and experiencing the natural world. It’s even better when you have a camera with you, and can capture moments in time to share with others. It is no surprise then that wildlife photography is so popular. With this in mind, it is important to remember that we share our planet with a huge number of different organisms. It is essential to be respectful of your environment and understand the ethics of wildlife photography. The following quote encompasses what this entire article is about

WILD SLOVENIA - Documentary Film

The documentary Wild Slovenia visually presents the very diverse fauna and flora of Slovenia, focusing on mammals and birds, and shows some particularly interesting species of amphibians, fish, insects and plants.

Matej Vranič, producer / director
